
I was almost finished with a Blog for this week when as he sometimes does the Holy Spirit interrupted me with something different. Of course his idea will be much better and I believe timely for many…including myself!

I was listening to this new song by Lauren Daigel called Rescue. To say I needed this message of encouragement would be an understatement. Read these lyrics….

You are not hidden
There's never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you

Shut up! I am amazed at the timing and faithfulness of God. How many of us can relate? Have you felt hidden, discarded, like your situation is hopeless and no one sees you going under for the third time? I have. If we would look around I know we would see people all around us who are literally dying in their pain, silently whispering a faint SOS praying someone, anyone will hear. 

I know I’m as guilty as the next person when I say I can get so wrapped up in my own world, my own issues and my own crazy life I can miss the hurting around me. Forgive me Jesus. Recently I’ve seen a couple of people and thought…just when I think my life sucks I see someone else in a worse situation and I breathe a silent thank you God I don’t have their problem. Anyone else? Our situation could always be worse. #perspective

I sense there are some of you reading this and you need an answer. You’ve sent out that SOS and felt no one heard you and no help is coming. You’ve been knee deep in it for far too long and have nearly given up on a solution coming. Fear, anxiety, and desperation seem to be constant companions. Know this…I totally understand AND God has a plan! I know that sounds a little cliché but the fact is it is more truth than the facts of your or my situation right now.  

Our enemy loves to fill our minds with negative thoughts and lies that are what he desires us to believe. But when what is coming to us is the opposite of God’s promises and his nature we can know for certain they are lies from our enemy! 

Two things I’m sensing…

1.    God knows, he sees, and he will not fail you because he cannot fail. He will not let you down. We must remember his timing is never ours and we may think he’s never going to show up but he is always on time!

2.   God is currently using this tough time you find yourself in to teach you things you didn’t even know you needed to learn, to refine your character, to build your spiritual muscles for the days to come. He’s showing you just how strong you actually are because you’re still here, still serving him and still trusting him to do it!

Soon we will have the testimony that we made it and God came through again. We can’t have a testimony without the test. I believe we go through things to get through them so that we can then help others get through their tough times. There is nothing more comforting than someone who comes beside you during your “hell” that has already conquered their hell and come out without even the smell of smoke on them. 

Keep holding on…never give up

                           never give up

                           never ever give up.